Health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet
In the medical field the diet has become one of the most important aspects to be monitored at all stages of the life.
Diet-related chronic diseases - such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer are the most common cause of death in the world and present a great burden for society.
The prevention and treatment of many diseases through diet finds more and more acceptance among physicians and patients.
The Mediterranean diet is the most comprehensively researched and scientifically validated diet in human history.
The most widely researched health benefits of the Mediterranean diet are the reduction in cardiovascular disease, the prevention of Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cognitive impairment, unipolar depression and cancer.
In fact, a meta- analysis of more than 1.5 million healthy adults demonstrated that following a Mediterranean diet was associated with a reduced risk of death from heart disease and cancer, as well as a reduced incidence of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.