About Dimitra

Dimitra was born and raised in Greece, homeland of the 'Mediterranean Diet'. She is a PhD candidate at Murdoch University and holds a MSc. in Applied Dietetics and Nutrition.
She has been involved, in researching the 'Mediterranean Diet', and in 'Weight Management Programs' in the School of Medicine, at the University of Athens.
Vastly experienced within the Media Dimitra presents a weekly segment about nutrition and wellbeing on SBS Radio in Sydney.
She is also giving speeches about the Mediterranean diet in senior citizens care groups all over Sydney.
Her mission is to provide all her clients with evidence-based Nutrition based on the Mediterranean Diet, the most well studied diet in human history.
Her professional goal is to relieve her Clients of the confusion as to which diet is ideal for them.
Dimitra Papamichou
PhD (c) - M.Sc. Diet. & Nutr.
Dimitra targets all her Clients to adopt a diet that is not only sustainable but simultaneously totally satisfying, and enjoyable.
Having grown up following the 'Mediterranean Diet', she loved it, studied it, and continues her studies every day.
Every person is unique, needing a unique plan to suit his/her needs, preferences and lifestyle.
Working hard Dimitra designs each plan, based on the latest data in Nutrition research and not 'fad diets' that work for a short time which in some cases can be harmful for someone’s health.
She prefers following research, and not opinions, plus encourages all her clients to do the same.
She also believes that a Body Transformation is not enough to succeed in the long term.
Her aims are for the Client’s Mind transformation that can lead to permanent Body transformation.
Her ultimate goal is to INSTALL ALL HER Clients into that ~ 5% of the population who SUCCEED PERMANENTLY with their weight and well-being goals.